10 Car Expenses You Shouldn’t Skip

Wash and Wax

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Your car’s aesthetics may not mean everything to you, but it’s important to wash your car more often than just after you drive through mud and rain. Washing prevents that stuck-on dirt or bird droppings from seeping into the paint and causing long-term damage. Any time you notice more than a thin covering of dirt or pollen, its a good idea to get the hose out or take your car to the $5 drive-thru wash.

If you’re looking to sell your car, waxing your vehicle is also a good idea. Buyers will notice that the color is more vibrant and will make the car look like it is in better condition. Even if you’re not planning to sell, a coat of wax will protect your car from salt, exhaust, and UV rays that damage the paint. If you love your car and want to keep it looking great, wash and wax it regularly.

Get Your Tires Rotated At The Next Oil Change

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It’s important to note here that if you’re not getting your oil changed regularly, you should. As mentioned before, oil is essential for your engine’s performance. If you don’t change it regularly, you’re already looking at costly future repairs. If you are changing your oil according to your owner’s manual, then you’re already ahead.

However, you may not always think to ask about getting your tires rotated when you go into the shop for an oil change. Your tires don’t wear evenly when you drive, so rotating them ensures that the front tires don’t lose traction before the rear ones. Rotating with every oil change will ensure your car has good traction, efficiently brakes, and rides smoothly on the road.

Replacing Your Tires

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When do you need to replace your tires? The answer is definitely not “whenever they go flat on the side of the road.” Tire traction is an important safety measure to ensure your car can handle driving in the rain and snow. Tires with proper tread also offer a smoother ride than worn tires. Most manufacturers recommend replacing your tires every seven to ten years. However, this will depend on your owner’s manual recommendation, the tire manufacturer, and your individual driving conditions and the maintenance you put into your car.

An easy way to determine whether your tires at least need a check is to do the penny test. All you do is stick a penny in the treads. Your tires are okay if at least a part of Lincoln’s head is covered.

If You’re Used Car Shopping, Choose a Certified Car

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Car shopping is typically a difficult process. You’re bombarded with hundreds of options by salespeople, and unless you’re looking for a second car, are probably working with a limited time frame before you simply need a new one. While car buying can be confusing, one thing you should always look for is pre-owned certification. A car that is “pre-owned certified” has been thoroughly inspected and meets manufacturer standards for used sales. They may be priced slightly higher, but you’re guaranteed an almost-good-as-new car for less than the original MSRP.

Certified pre-owned cars also offer better warranties and financing options most of the time. Of course, if you’re looking for something cheap and dependable, finding a sale-by-owner option may be more closely in line with what you want. Just remember, buying a non-certified car from the dealer or a car from the owner means you get what you get, no guarantees.

Better Car Insurance

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If you’re on a tight budget or have a stellar driving record, this may not apply to you. However, if you’re prone to accidents or don’t currently have collision and comprehensive coverage, it’s a good idea to look into comprehensive coverage with a lower deductible. If you’re financing, especially from a third-party company, you may be required to have a deductible of $500 or less. But even if you’re not, having a lower deductible and better overall coverage will save you when a major repair is required and you don’t have the cash to pay for it. Liability-only insurance and higher deductibles may seem like they’re saving you money, but if you’re investing in your car, it’s best to also invest in your car’s future.