10 Car Mods That Will Get You A Ticket Fast

Blaring Sound Systems Are A No-Go

Image Source: Pixabay

Adding subwoofers to a car’s sound system is one of the most common modifications among car buffs and regular drivers alike. While we all love to hear thunderous bass while we’re driving alone or with friends, the mom in the minivan with the sleeping baby may not appreciate your sick sound system as much. Not only is it common courtesy to keep the volume down in a residential or high-traffic area, it is often the law. Check your local area to find out the exact legislation. Or, as a general rule of thumb, you don’t want to be able to hear the music from inside the car more than 10 feet away when the windows are up. This may seem like no big deal but in some states, an unlawfully loud volume can get your car impounded, or at least your stereo system confiscated.