10 Car Myths You Probably Believe

You Need All-Wheel Drive In Snow

Us northerners face all sorts of car challenges that those in warm climates rarely face. One of those challenges is driving in the snow. If you live in a particularly snowy area you likely put snow tires on your car in the winter. You may also have spent a lot of time at the dealership finding a car with all-wheel drive to be winter-ready. However, this really isn’t necessary.

All-wheel drive helps you accelerate and can help you maintain control when there’s low traction. However, you have to know how to control a car in snow before all-wheel drive will provide you any benefit. All-wheel drive does nothing to help you stop, either. Choose snow tires over all-wheel drive, and invest in some driving practice so you can control any car when the roads get slick. Speaking of all-wheel drive, this next myth will change the way you shop for your next car.