Elderly Drivers Put Everyone At Risk
Image source: Pexels
According to AAA (the American Automobile Association) drivers over the age of 65 are 17 times more likely to cause automobile accidents, despite the fact that studies show older drivers actually drive fewer miles than younger ones. Slowed reaction times, eye problems, and arthritis are hallmarks of age which may cause impairment.
According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) in 2015 more than 260,000 older adults were injured in automobile accidents and 6,800 were killed in accidents. This averages out to more than 19 older adults being killed every day in accidents.
As the Baby Boomers (those born between 1945 and 1964) age, there are more older drivers on the road. The CDC reports in 2015 more than 40 million older Americans were driving, an increase of 50% since 1999.