The 10 Most Infamous Automobile Scandals

The Chrysler Airflow: A Car Ahead of Its Time

The 1934 Chrysler Airflow was groundbreaking with an all-steel body at a time when wood was still commonly found in cars. The car was a marvel of engineering innovation and GM (General Motors) was furious when it realized that the smaller company was producing a much safer car. GM cried foul, claiming the design had been stolen from them and the Airflow was actually dangerous.

To combat the accusations, Chrysler made a newsreel film highlighting the advanced suspension, the shatterproof glass and the durability of it. The film showed the car rolling over and yet being driven away. The car was even driven off a cliff, and it drove away, unharmed.

GM didn’t like the competition, though, and the smear campaign proved successful. The Airflow was discontinued in 1937. There were no repercussions for GM.